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Most of the sites relating to WeTab are in German. So remember that Google translate is your friend. Browse using Google Chrome with auto translation enabled and it will make browsing some of the websites below faster and easier. To enable auto translate in Google Chrome go to Options-->Under The Hood and check the box against "Offer to translate pages that aren't in a language I read".

For help, latest information and developments on the WeTab there is no better place on the web than http://wetab-community.de/forum/ (Mainly German with an English Sub Forum for international users.)

A private user's WeTab blog http://wetabz.blogspot.com/ in English

A private user's WeTab blog with some good information http://www.wetabblog.org/ (German only)

Another private user's blog http://www.berens.net/pages/linux.php including wallpapers for WeTab. (German only)

Another German wiki with some excellent information http://ristig.homelinux.org/wenation/doku.php (German only)

A site with of video tutorials http://wetab.eas-impact.de (German only)

Manufacturers link in English with some useful information under the Developer's section http://wetab.mobi/en/

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