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Just wanted to let you know i managed to get a RETAIL unedited Mobile Partner 16 to work. Indeed with changes to a file in XFramePlugin folder! Easier then me having to edit the whole thing myself..

Download Mobile Partner 16 download (Found via filestube.com), i just downloaded the 2 biggest versions. Install (installer just like version 13), then, browse to folder C:\Program Files\Mobile Partner\Plugins\XFramePlugin and open the file Config.xml with Notepad. Search for the words <--!item type="POPUP" id="IDS_MAINFRM_RF">radiomenu Change this to radiomenu Save file, restart Mobile Partner.. And radio is available again!

If you want the radio options in German, open XFramePlugin_de-de.lang in the same folder, and add the following lines:

&Radio... Radio aktivieren... Radio deaktivieren… Postpaid-USSD Radio ist nach wie vor aus, wenden Sie sich bitte über die Wireless-Hardware-Schalter. Radio aus. Bitte im Menü "Einstellungen->Radio->Radio aktivieren" wählen. Radio aktivieren fehlgeschlagen. Bitte erneut versuchen.

After this, you'll have a working install. But you can still enable other options off course.

This is an official install, but still found some errors.. (MMS is called SMS, but easily changeable in the correct XML files)

Kind Regards,


Man muss AT^RFSWITCH=1 an den Com-Port senden um es für die 16ner zu aktivieren

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